My wife had an expectation of directly seeing rafflesia, not just from pictures, on Borneo Island. Looking up the rafflesia in my travel guidebook, we had to visit the Rafflesia Information Center to surely see them, but it was far away from Kota Kinabalu(KK) and we had to walk for an hour with a tour guide to the Center. Four to five hours only for rafflesias were too much for us. Our free time in Borneo was restricted. We gave up seeing them before visiting the island.
Now, N chan's father was from KK and he knew where rafflesias could be seen. The blooming site was only 10 minutes' drive from where we were. I asked him to take us to the place. The road to the place was rough. The local people hacked their way through the forest and prepared the path to the flowers.
There was a small pond near the rafflesia's colony. They were farming fish there. Fresh fish would be valuable in the rainforest. I found some rivers, but the high sulphur concentration rejected the existence of fish. Coming back to the track, the rafflesia which we saw was on the 4th day after blooming. The flower is apparently most beautiful on its 2nd day from blooming, but it was really big and beautiful. Beside the flower, another dead rafflesia was seen.
This place wasn't famous as a tourist spot, and there wasn't another tourist group, so we were able to see flowers feeling happy and relaxed.
Rafflesia ヤッコソウ科(ラフレシア科)の植物。ブドウ科植物シッサスに寄生し、葉はなく、花は世界最大で直径約1メートル。花びらは5枚あり、多肉で黄赤色。開花すると悪臭を放つ。雌雄異花。東南アジアのジャングルにまれにみられ、1818年に英国のT=S=ラッフルズが発見。(デジタル大辞泉)
colony 群生地
マレーシア旅行記: 予定には入れていなかったラフレシアを見る