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Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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« Today's Dinner | Main | South Korean Defense White Paper »

Mar 02, 2009


Hi, Klaus!

Thanks for visiting my blog again.
I checked out your website yesterday. See you in the not too distant future.

Well, the "disputed islands" conflict - it has been dragging on for quite some time. Germany solved this problem a couple of years ago, united again. But due to this reunification more problems were created. I understand the Japanese want those islands back, however, whether it would be beneficial or not......???

As for the abduction issue .... those N.K.s are out of their mind, and not only concerning this topic. It must be the people of North Korea, however, who will go for the change. And I hope that this will happen very soon!

I didn't know of either of the island problems until you shared them. So, as PR may be lacking in many places, I think it is very important that you share as much of this kind of information as you can with as many people as you can. Be an advocate for what you believe in! Spread the word in the means you have to do so. Good luck! (sarah)

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