My acquaintance, who is a physician running a private hospital, asked me to stay for some time in her hospital, because she had something to do for her daughter. She and her husband went somewhere and I'm staying in her hospital now. About 80 inpatients are almost motionless, and I'm so bored now.
I brought some books to kill time, but I don't feel like reading them, because the outside is totally sunny and a welcoming breeze is coming into my room. I'm frustrated. I wonder whether to take a walk around the hospital. This hospital is located in a rural fishing village. Only 10 minutes' walk is enough to feel the sea breeze.
Not a few people have sent me e-mails for years and some of the senders are really in miserable or dangerous conditions. If I didn't receive their e-mails, I wouldn't notice how happy the Japanese people are. The Soccer World Cup is just around the corner. I heard the security in South Africa, where the event will be held, was the worst level in the world. I wondered that people could fully enjoy watching the game in such a dangerous country. Anyway, in a secure non-stressful country, I'm enjoying passing the time by going around the nearby park and the seashore.
- (Vocabulary)
- motionless 身動きしない, じっとした
- hospitable (人が)もてなしのよい, 歓待する;(場所・環境などが)快適な, 居心地のよい;(ビジネス環境・市場などが)適した, 好条件の [反意] inhospitable
- welcoming (人・表情などが)歓迎する, 歓迎を表した;(場所が)くつろげる
- fishing village [C] 漁村
- pass the time ひまをつぶす