There are several blue ribbon movements in the world. However, the blue ribbon I mean here is the symbol of the cause to bring all the Japanese abductees back from North Korea. The present Abe administration is addressing this issue passionately. Before him, Japan couldn't tackle this issue in full blast due to Korean operatives in the Japanese Administration itself. Lots of people in Japan want to see all of them getting off the plane from North Korea.
There are several types of blue ribbon and I bought three of the newest ones, which have a clip and require no piercing of the clothes. As you see below, I attached them on my uniform of the Lions Club and my office. They symbolize my wish for the return of all Japanese abductees from North Korea. Japan's prime minister, Abe, and other politicians always wear it as well.
tackle 難題などに取り組む, 対処する
tackle a problem/an issue 問題に取り組む
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