I wanted to see or step into the jungle in Borneo. My father-in-law was working on the maintenance of military planes during the Great East Asian War on Shortland Island near Bougainville Island. His unit faced a serious shortage of food after the military logistics was broken and its supply route was severed. After the loss of all the planes he worked searching for food in the jungle with the help of local people. Wild oxen were evidently delicious. Anyway, the United Nations headed for the Philippines directly after the seizure of Guadalcanal Island, passing Bougainville Island, but the unit didn't know about this. My father-in-law was preparing for the UN's attack on Bougainville Island and he was going to kill a multitude of soldiers in exchange for his own life.
I had heard about the real life and the hunting in the jungle from him before his death. I wanted to feel the atmosphere of the jungle, and I walked on the canopy walkway built in the trees in the Poring Hot Spring Area. The ground was beneath me, but I wasn't able to see it hindered by bushes, leaves, and due to the lack of sunlight. Moving and living in such a severe condition, my father-in-law and his fellows survived. I recalled their unimaginable difficulties.
Bougainville Island ブーゲンビル島 南太平洋西部、ソロモン諸島北端の火山島。
Shortland Island ブーゲンビル島の南にある小さな島
military logistics 兵站
Guadalcanal Island ガダルカナル島《南太平洋 Solomon 群島中の島》 大東亜戦争の激戦地の一つ
マレーシア旅行記: ジャングル、キャノピーウォーク、そして大東亜戦争へ思いを馳せる
生前、義父からジャングルでの暮らしをよく聞いた。どのようなところなのか自分の目で見てみたいと思い、ポーリン温泉の奧にあるCanopy Walkwayを歩いてみた。地面は遙か下にあるのだが、見えない。こんなところを移動しながら食料を確保し、生き延びた義父たちの苦労が偲ばれた。
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