The white ship was the Star Clipper, which had been featured in a TV program in February. We already had our cruise plan, and watched it carefully. It isn't so big as the Diamond Princess and accommodates only about 200 passengers, but consequently, all the passengers and crew would be friendly if they spend the same time on the small boat. I had been eager to see it. It was a complete surprise to see it on Penang Island. I didn't mean to be rude, but I looked down into the boat from the top deck of the Diamond Princess with my binoculars.
マラッカ海峡クルージング記: 白い帆船の正体
(極上のクルーズ紀行2時間スペシャル BS-TBS 2/19 順風満帆 クリッパー帆船で煌めくアンダマン海へ)