What will become of the one year late Olympic games in Tokyo? Representative players from all over the world are surely expecting it to be held, but about 70% of Japanese people around me seem to be reluctant to have it. As for me, I'm on the reluctant side. I'm sorry to say this for the authorities concerned, Japan should be cautious to the utmost about receiving visitors. The influence of the Wuhan virus is now decreasing in Japan. I hope that this tendency would go on and on to put an end to the outbreak.
今年、1年遅れの東京オリンピックが開催されるのだろうか? すでに代表に決まっている選手たちは是非とも開催して欲しいだろうが、日本の国民感情はどうだろうか?僕の周りでは7割くらいは消極的な考えのようだ。僕自身ももう開催しないほうが良いのではないかと考えている。