During 49 days just after their death, the souls of the departed are said to be in limbo between this world and the next world. They need a guide to the next world and the smoke from incense sticks is thought to play this role, so the bereaved continue to burn incense until the souls reach their destination.
The soul of my father reached the next world today and my family performed a Buddhist ceremony to consecrate the Buddhist memorial tablet of my father. This tablet will be placed on the altar of my house and we will pray for him before this tablet in everyday life.
a Buddhist memorial tablet 位牌
a Buddhist ceremony to consecrate a newly-constructed image 開眼供養
consecrate (特別な儀式で)〈建物・土地・物など〉を神聖にする, 清める, 神にささげる, 聖別する
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My commiserations on your father's death.
Posted by: Peter | Mar 25, 2023 at 10:00 PM