The Japanese Government announced that their majesties the emperor and empress were supposed to make a formal visit to the U.K. in June. The visit was once planned three years ago on the invitation of Queen Elizabeth, but was suspended pending the COVID-19 pandemic. The queen passed away during the suspension and the Imperial couple would apparently visit her tomb in tribute to her. The couple graduated from Oxford University and they are supposed to drop in at Oxford city on the last day of the visit. However, it's not decided yet when they'll visit the U.K. in June. Early or middle or late June? To tell the truth, my wife and I are planning to visit the U.K. in June, too. Should we visit at the same time as the Imperial couple, or not? We are examining the pros and cons of the visit in the same period with them. We are focusing on the southwest area of the U.K. this time, centering on Bath, Cardiff the capital of Wales and Stonehenge along with a few places in the city of London.
Bath is literally the town of bath. Ancient Romans reached the U.K. and built public bath facilities in Bath. I'm not sure, but the word "bath" may be derived from this city. My hometown has the Dogo Onsen Spa which is known as the oldest hot spa in Japan and the Roman-style bath would be the oldest bath in the U.K. Given this situation, the next trip to the U.K. may be a lot of fun.
Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress 天皇皇后両陛下
on the invitation of ~の招きで
Given this situation このようなことから
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