I attended the mass vaccination today. The applicants were from hospitality industries of my prefecture. Senior citizens and people with chronic diseases or high risks for infection are prioritized in the official mass vaccination by the Government, so the young generation have been put off.
The president of the industry group is my friend from junior high school, and he was meaning to take various steps for recovery from the pandemic in the industries, and one of the steps was the vaccination. That's why this mass vaccination was planned and I was asked to check every applicant's condition if they were all right to get vaccinated, or not. Staffs of accommodations, restaurants, actors and actresses from show businesses, , , people who were tasked with many roles in the hospitality industries got together.
After the perfect preparation of the vaccination, however, it was postponed. Can you guess the cause? It was because the contamination of the vaccine, Moderna, was reported. Consequently, a major part of our stocks of Moderna which were seemingly possible to be contaminated judging from its Lot number were collected. I was afraid if the foreign body was something biological, but it was a micro piece of stainless steel which had been apparently peeled off from the production machine. Anyway, the mass vaccination had to be postponed and it finally started today.
put sth off ~を先延ばしにする
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