The state of affairs in the Philippines has been unstable these days though I don't know the origin of this chaos. The Philippines was the first foreign country that I visited in my life. I entered the country in 1986, just after the People's Power movement, which bore fruit in the ouster of Marcos in February 1986.
I was a resident in a big hospital group at that time. My boss was a friend of President Corazon Aquino, and he wanted to build a general hospital in the Philippines. I visited the Philippines with 500 co-workers to demonstrate our human resources. One of our purposes was to attend the mass for Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, the husband of President Aquino.
By courtesy of President Aquino, we could stay at the Puerto Azul Beach Resort which used to be Marcos's private facility. I could also see the Malacanang Palace. I was surprised to know the daily life of the absolute ruler. At the same time I got into cabbagetown in Manila. I was surprised again to see the people's poor life there. I learned so many things from this trip.
I hope the present insurgency will soon be settled.
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