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Oct 10, 2006


Thank you giving me a comment again.
First, I'd like to make it clear that I like Korean culture and cuisine. And I never want Japan to fight against your country. So, I'm going to stop talking about this issue here.

I beg a favor of you! Easy thinking! Just one thing!
Japanese Government has been proposing that this issue should have been filed to the International Court of Justice since Sep. 25th in 1954. However your government has been avoiding or evading the court battle all the way. Just think why?

BTW; There are many good skiing places in Japan. I'm happy to know you love ski. Please enjoy skiing in Japan. I found 전라북도 무주 리조트 in my map that you can see here.
This skiing place seems to be located at the border with 경상남도. Is the scenery beautiful? Isn't there a hot spring? I'm very intersted in South Korean skiing place. I saw 용평스키장 in 겨울연가. My Korean teacher was from 광주. I'm going to ride my motorcycle in southern Korea. Especially I'm looking forward to see the scenery of many islands, 한려해상국립공원.

Study English hard and access many informations written in English in the world. Make your eyes open!
열심히 공부 하세요!

방금 급하게 썼습니다.^^
저는 한국인이고 남쪽에 삽니다. 동의 이름은 花亭입니다. 예쁜 이름입니다. 18살의 소년입니다. 9일 전 대학입학 시험을 봤고.. 대학 진학을 기대하는 중입니다. 취미는 피아노 치기입니다. 쇼팽곡을 좋아합니다. 하지만 아파트라 언제나 치지는 못합니다.
저도 스키를 좋아합니다. 스키는 전라북도 무주 리조트에서 세번 타 보았습니다.
저도 쿠모 선생님 처럼 많은 언어를 하고 싶습니다. 하지만 한국어 밖에 못합니다. 영어는 형편없고 일본어는 뜻은 모르고 히라가나를 읽을 수 있는 수준입니다.
며칠 전 한국에서 대학을 다니며 중국어와 한국어를 공부하는 일본인을 만났습니다. 나도 그랬으면 좋겠습니다.

Kumo san smimasen
oh. you've visited my blog.? forget it.. mine is not blog. there is no opinion. just some scraped pictures its medley thing... nothing

Thanks for comments. I visited your blog, but I'm a poor Korean reader. I couldn't understand well. I'd like to ride my motorcycle in your country. All of my family are Korea fan. I hope you write your profile in English in your blog. And I'd like you to see below:
3. and/or Categories: Touring(motorcycle), Korea

treacherous yakuza~

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