There's a problem boy in my hospital. He is a young male nurse. His attitude towards work and duty is not good. Elderly staff members have tried to rectify his ways of thinking in vain.
When I was making my rounds today, he spoke to a patient in a rude way. His rudeness was starting to annoy me. Just after the rounds, I yelled at him and I couldn't help scolding him.
However, I later regretted this verbal lashing. I now know that there is no shame in making mistakes as we all make them, but the shame is in not learning from them and not forgiving others for making them. I'm treating him to some drinks at the bar in a couple of days.
problem boy 問題児
male nurse 看護師、看護人
ectify 〔誤りなどを〕正す、修正する、矯正する、改正する
make one's rounds 回診する
verbal 〔図などを用いない〕言葉による、口頭の 〔行動を伴わない〕言葉だけの、口頭の
lashing 激しい叱責、痛烈な非難、当てこすり