I've been studying the effects and side effects of Lasik, eye surgery for vision correction. My eyesight is failing and this is very inconvenient when I ski or ride a motorcycle and I want to enjoy various types of sunglasses.
I fully understood, after two weeks' investigation, that Lasik is an extremely safe operation and very effective. I decided to have Lasik.
Today I consulted an ophthalmologist near my hospital, taking an hour off. I wanted to have a second opinion from a specialist. He showed me some technical papers on the complications of the Lasik operation. Those complications occurred in only the early period of the introduction of Lasik surgery. I felt relieved to hear that. However, he added, "Is your work ok?". "What do you mean by that?", I answered. He continued that Lasik will give me better eyesight and I will feel refreshing and it will be good for outdoor activities, but it's only for far sight. I will need some pairs of glasses for the near and very near side. It might be inconvenient for my job. When working, my eyesight must be focused on around my hands when I stretch my arms for 5 or more continuous hours.
At the last moment, I gave up having the eye surgery.
vision correction 視力矯正
eyesight 視力、視覚; 見ること、視界、視野
fail [自] 〈視力・健康などが〉 衰える
My father's eyesight is failing. 父の視力は衰えつつある.