Today (Aug. 22th) of 1945 is the genuinely last day of the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War). I think that this story will become long and I'm going to separate the whole story into three, four parts for a few months. I'd like to write about how the war ceased. Many American people are taught incorrectly in their schools. I'll show you three items of evidence.
At first, no matter what the real intention of the top officials of the U.S. was to use the atomic bombs, it couldn't prevent Russia from joining the war. Russian denunciation of the neutrality pact with Japan (Declaration of Hostility against Japan) was done in a hurry between Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
That is to say;
July 26th The Potsdam Declaration (Without Russia!) in 1945
Aug. 6th An atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima
Aug. 8th Russia joins the war
Aug. 9th An atomic Bomb again on Nagasaki
Aug. 14th Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration.
Aug. 15th Declaration of the end of the war by the Emperor Hirohito
The Greater East Asian War (Pacific War) is supposed to be over by this Emperor's declaration.
Even if only from this point of view, the atomic bombing seems to have set Stalin's blood boiling and made him go to war against Japan without hesitation rather than discouraging him from joining the war.
During the meeting in Potsdam Stalin was informed that the U.S. had succeeded in the development of the atomic bomb and Russia was dropped from the Potsdam Declaration. It is thought that these double animosities seem to have made him harden his resolve to occupy Hokkaido. The U.S. was supposed to drop the atomic bombs to stop the war earlier and prevent Russia from joining the war. Can it be an acceptable remark for the bombing in Nagasaki after the Russian Declaration of Hostility against Japan?
Continue to this entry.
genuinely 根っから, 心から
denunciation of treaty 条約破棄
neutrality pact 中立条約
declaration of hostility 宣戦布告
animosity 強い憎しみ, 敵意
resolve (固い)決意
7月26日 ポツダム宣言( ソ連は不参加 )
8月 6日 広島への原爆投下
8月 8日 ソ連参戦
8月 9日 長崎への原爆投下
8月14日 ポツダム宣言受諾
8月15日 昭和天皇による終戦宣言
(KW: 終戦記念日 大東亜戦争 ソ連参戦)