I had been working at a local clinic that was founded by the local government for three years until close to 10 years ago. At that time I had a favorite pub near my house and used to drop in there like once a week. I enjoyed local dishes there in every season with my drinking buddies.
When two years had passed after I left the small village, one of them passed away. A week before his death I met him at the hospital where he was staying. He knew his death was near-at-hand and asked me not to forget him. I promised him that I was sure to visit his grave every year around the anniversary of his death.
The picture shows his family tomb. I cleaned up around it and put skimmias on his grave.
close to 10 years 10年近く
boon companion / compotator / drinking buddy / drinking pal 飲み仲間
near-at-hand すぐ手の届く所にある、手近にある、身近な所にある、間近に迫っている
put flowers on sb's grave 墓に花を供える