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« Heavy Snow | Main | Invitation from Europe »

Jan 25, 2008


Thank you for an interesting viewpoint that did not occur to me as I watched the movie, but upon reflection is it important whether or not Saigo or Shimizu's version of events was accurate? People tend to color their memories in a light that makes them appear blameless. This was more about their perception of events than the actual histories

Having said that I commend you for standing up for the integrity of those that cannot defend it themselves.

I would expect you are quite correct in your assessment of the living conditions in the caves and the troops health, but it seems to me necessary that the actors were able to convey their thoughts and feelings rather than sacrificing that for reasons of exact representations of their daily lives.

May none of these echoes from days past ever be forgotten. As an American I can say it was quite different to see the dignity and courage of the Japanese troops portrayed this starkly. There are few other examples of this in American cinema which historically has often unfortunately resorted to base stereotypes.

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