Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

Canada 2012

  • DSCF5520
    Ski Tour to Canada and Accidental Tour to Korea

Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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  • Dal

Birthday Party

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    50th Birthday Party 50歳の誕生日をネットの仲間が祝ってくれました。我が家でバーベキューをしています。


  • DSCF3252
    2010春 次女とフライブルクから日帰り旅行 詰め込んでます。少しずつ整理してゆきます。

My House

  • Dscf0050

« Letters from Iwo Jima | Main | U.S. Presidential Election »

Jan 31, 2008


Guten Tag! Sie sind der erste Deutsche, der in diesen blog kam. Weil ich für Deutsch nicht so gut, schreibe ich in Englisch.

Thank you for your comment and I was so surprised to check your Website. You are living near me!!

My second daughter is learning German in his university. I'd like to make her stay in German farm to learn horse riding during her summer vacation. Do you have any information on a horse riding stay?

By the way, is your hometown that Solingen which is famous for good knives?

Hi there!

I just found your blog while brwsing the internet for Hokkaido motorcycle touring....just to see who else went there.

So, you got rid of your nice motorcycle and exchanged it for a scooter!?!?

Oh, by the way, a great BLOG you have here and your English - excellent!!!

Well, just this much for today, maybe I will hear from you,



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