The totem pole display area at Brockton Point is the most visited tourist attraction in all of British Columbia and it has an interesting history. In the early 1920s, the elected Park Commissioners of the day supported the idea of constructing an Indian Village in Stanley Park near the Lumbermen's Arch area. This site was chosen as it had been the location of a massive midden, or cultural mound, resulting from years of habitation by the native aboriginal peoples. The midden primarily contained calcined shells that covered an area 8 feet deep over several acres. These shells were so numerous that they were used to surface Stanley Park's first perimeter road.
totem トーテム像 (特に北米先住民が作る動植物などの像)
midden (やや古) 肥やしの山, ごみの山, 汚い場所
calcined 焼成された
perimeter [C] (軍事基地・飛行場などの) 周囲, 周辺