I'm writing my impression of the movie "Cry Freedom" that I caught tonight. This movie dealt with the apartheid policy that had been implemented in South Africa. In this cruel policy for black people, a journalist who was on the side of the government and a young black man who was on the side of the blacks got to know each other and promoted good feelings.
After the young black man's suspicious death, his friend determined to escape from the country and appeal to public opinion. He was in strict custody, so his escape was very difficult and was the same as putting his life on the line. His escape was not smooth, but finally successful.
I'd like to give him a big hand and got angry against the whites. The European powers have ruled the countries of colored races and have been responsible for unspeakable calamities to the people since the 15th century.
The first war in which colored people defeated white people was the Japanese-Russo War that started in 1904. This victory seemed to inspire colored people all over the world. This is true. Do you know the first nation that appealed for the elimination of racial discrimination at an international conference? It was JAPAN at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, just after the First World War. The superpowers at that time rejected it though. It's hardly possible that nations with plantations and slaves would have agreed with Japan's proposition.
(時間に間に合って)(映画・番組など)を見られる,(人)と連絡がつく, 話せる
I only caught the last 20 minutes of the movie. その映画は最後の20分しか見られなかった.
catch a movie(米) 映画を見に行く
implement〈計画・政策・法律など〉 を実行する, 実施する, 履行する
promote good feelings between ~間の友情を深める
suspicious death 不審死
on the line (仕事・名声などが) 危険にさらされて
put yourself on the line (for sb) (<人>のために)身を危険にさらす
Let's give him a hand 拍手を送ろう
colored person // colored races 有色人種
unspeakable 言葉にならないほどひどい, 言語道断の
unspeakable crimes 筆舌に尽くしがたい残忍な犯行
calamity [C,U] 災難, 惨事 [同意] disaster
It's hardly possible that <that以下>のはずがない。
(KW: 遠い夜明け アパルトヘイト 南アフリカ)
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