These are the staff members of the Time Control Station, regrouping. We were waiting for the first car. It was soooo cold! My outfit was just like winter climbing gear. The guy on the left who was wearing a blue singlet was the chief of this station and the green raincoat on the right was me. I was shivering with cold in the tent.
These pictures were taken by an official who was assigned to take pictures of rally officials. His job was to take pictures of our activities because we were prohibited to shoot private snapshots during duty hours. He went the rounds and took pictures of ourselves. I asked him to take pictures of me with some drivers or cars here. The pictures in the following entries came courtesy of him. Thanks Mr. Okazaki! They were great pictures for me.
cruise through(パトカーなどが巡回する)
go [do, make] the rounds(一定のコース・持ち場などを巡回する)
go round / go the round 巡回する
come courtesy of ~の好意によるものだ