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Mar 11, 2009


I think that it would be pretty hard to complain about what happened in Panmunjom, if the person actually died.

How do I feel about Panmunjom? I think it's fascinating that people visit there. I would be so nervous and tense to be in such a dangerous place. I don't know that I could do it. While in South Korea a few years ago, my boyfriend really wanted to go, but we didn't have enough time. I feel sad for the people who have family on the other side and can't see them when they want to. I think sometimes I don't realize the advantages to being from America and having nearly endless opportunities as to where I want to visit. I feel sorry for the common citizens of the Korea's. I really wish there could be some solution.

Anyway, I really appreciate reading all of your blogs, I think I have learned quite a bit about Panmunjom, and it has led me to read up on it a bit of my own. Thank you!

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