I'll show you a beautiful picture in this entry that was shot last Sunday. It was overcast and about to start raining, but you can see a part of the bridges. The narrow channel in the picture is called Kurushima Kaikyo, and is famous for one of the hardest channels to pass through. I want lots of people to see this scenery and will attach it on the Google Earth later and you can figure out where it is located. Roughly speaking, Japan consists of four islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. A battery of bridges connect Shikoku and Honshu from island to island. This picture was taken from a viewpoint of Shikoku.
Shikoku and Honshu are bridged in three routes. One of them is here. The large-scale one has two layer structure and is 200km east from here. Cars and trains, including Shinkansen super express could pass on the bridge. If you have a chance to see it closely, you would be astonished by its magnificence.
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