We were going to visit Alsace in western France on this day. Alsace is well known as the province which had been involved in the wars between
France and Germany, and had been part of Germany in a certain period of time. Alsace has such history and its culture had been under the influence of Germany. The capital is Strasbourg, and this city was one of our destinations. One more thing about Alsace; Alsace is
also noted with its great wine, and the small wine-producing villages stir the imagination of Japanese. In the Japanese famous Hayao Miyazaki's directorial production of Howl's Moving
Castle, a small city of Colmar in Alsace was the motif of the movie.
We left our hotel at about 7:30, after the third time of having breakfast in this hotel. I like the western style breakfast as well as the Japanese one, but we had nearly the same breakfast every morning after we had arrived Freiburg. We were sick of it, but the price of breakfast was included in the accommodation fee and so we ate there. In general, it seemed that the accommodation fee of German hotels includes the breakfast.
By the way, we would join the bus tour of Steiert, which we had used the day before yesterday to visit Insel Mainau. The bus was to arrive at Novotel Hotel just in front of our hotel at 9:00. We had about an hour to go and took a walk at the west side of the station. The day in Germany starts early in the morning. The first picture was after the morning rush hour. We could look down on a few offices of the adjacent building from our hotel, and several workers were already there by 8:00 in the morning. Was it like this across the country in Germany? Next, I took a picture of a magnificent building. Was it a church? I didn't know, but it was so beautiful in the morning sun. When I went down from the elevated bridge in front of the Novotel Hotel, I took a picture of the spiral stairs. I think that such
places that were hidden from the people's eyes could be a gauge of the security of the neighborhood. I thought the security of the city wasn't bad after seeing some places during our stay in Freiburg. However, one thing had weighed on my mind. Freiburg was deluged with graffiti. They spoil the modesty and tradition of the city. The last three pictures were taken in front of the Novotel Hotel while we were waiting for our bus.
stir [他](感情など) を呼び起こす, かきたてる
stir a memory/an emotion 記憶を呼び起こす[感情をかきたてる]
stir the imagination 想像力をかきたてる
Howl's Moving Castle ハウルの動く城
Miyazaki's directorial production of 宮崎監督作品の~
accommodation fee 宿泊費
The day in Germany starts early in the morning. ドイツの朝は早い
elevated bridge 高架橋
graffiti 落書き
be deluged with/by sth <苦情など>が殺到する, 押し寄せる
weigh on sb's mind (人)の心にひっかかる <人>の心に重くのしかかる
be deluged with graffiti 落書きがいっぱいある
ski jump (スキージャンプ競技の) ジャンプ台