Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

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Dec 14, 2009


Sorry to be away for a long time. I've been so busy and I'll restart writing in a few days.

Fun post, and long time no chat!
Like Jessica and you both said, the pirates/privateers are very much a part of American history- my home area was practically built on it (I live near William and Mary in Virginia). They were much more like mercenaries or raiders that had some immunities of their mother countries and much less like the pirates we see on TV. Even the black flag the "jolly roger" was more of a signal of attack (literally "no quarter", take no prisoners) than a sign of being a pirate... kind of an opposite to the white surrender flag.

It is interesting to me that the Asian countries tended to demonize rival nations much like Europe. If pirates are interesting for you, check out "Nags Head"; it's a beach area near my home that has a long and famous pirate history.

Great post! Keep having fun on your adventures,
-Sean from Word Up

Hi Kumo!

I am sorry that it has been a long time since I have commented on your blog. However today I have been reminded of how awesome it is to read it again.
"massive inferiority complex" is an awesome term ^^, although my dad would probably disagree with the context : P
Just another bit of history- the English pirates were also called "privateers" (rhymes with buccaneer) :O because they were pirates, but the English government tried to make them seem more legitimate/noble. I learned in history class that the queen of England used the money to lower taxes.

Have a nice day!

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