Have you seen the dish in the first picture? It was escargot. I saw it for the first time. The plate is called escargotiere in French and is specially made for cooking escargot. As for the French dishes, foie gras and escargot are famous as unique cooking ingredients. I have wanted to try them for a long time and I ate escargot in a small restaurant in Riquewihr. It was just like scallops or clams and tasted good. Escargot is called snail in English. I had thought any escargot was all right for cooking as long as it was snails, but my idea was completely wrong. Edible snails are limited to two kinds and snails that grew up in vineyards are said to be best for cooking. I was in the midst of a vineyard at that time, and it meant that I was in a desirable location.
The last picture is of the main dish. I felt that it was really roughly made. Various kinds of meat were just put on a fistful of Sauerkraut in an offhand manner. I like Germany, but I'm not fond of this German traditional dish. It was totally at the other end of the spectrum of Japanese traditional dishes. If German people visited Japan and had an opportunity to see our traditional food, they would be surprised about the subtle work of cooks.
foie gras〈フランス語〉〔ガチョウの肝臓〕フォアグラ
cooking ingredient 食材
scallop ホタテガイ
clam 食用二枚貝
vineyard (ワイン製造のための) ブドウ園
snail [C] カタツムリ
edible 食用になる, 食べられる
desirable (フォーマル) 望ましい, 好ましい
Sauerkraut ザウアークラウト(塩漬けキャベツ)
in an offhand manner 無造作に
offhand 《[名]の前でのみ》 うっかりした, 思いつきの; そっけない, ぶっきらぼうな
It was only an offhand remark. それは単なる失言だった.
at the other end of the spectrum その対極にある
spectrum 《[C]通例単数形で》 (変動の) 範囲, 幅
a broad/wide spectrum (of something) (<…>の)広い範囲
a wide spectrum of opinion 広範囲にわたる意見
subtle 巧みな, 手の込んだ; 繊細な
It's very nice lunch. Good!
Posted by: flowers montreal | Sep 25, 2010 at 01:45 AM