I heard a new Japanese-made English word, "pottering", or "puttering". It indicates riding bicycles without purpose. They never pedal hard like in a race and don't have a destination like on a cycling tour. They just spend time wandering around.
I often take a walk with my dog, and find something new even around my house. If I had a bicycle and could extend my wandering area, it would be great fun. I looked for several magazines dealing with bicycles on the internet, and ordered some of them. The picture shows them. I'll devote myself to reading them for the coming several days. By the way, how do you call this purpose-less slow cycling in English?
potter(英) putter(米) のんびりする
deal with sth〈本・映画などが〉 <…>を扱う
A bicycle can be use in every way, unfortunately I don't know how to use it. :(
Posted by: 300 Spartanworkouts | Jun 11, 2011 at 10:10 AM
The verb TO POTTER or PUTTER comes from the English, the first being British and the latter North American. I often used to potter around the house. It is used in exactly the same way as your example. (peter)
Posted by: Peter | Oct 26, 2010 at 11:49 AM