I went out for a change on my scooter with my friends. The destination was a mountain area called Shirataki, one and a half hours from my house. The autumn in Shirataki was very colorful. It transpired that the village festival was held and we could enjoy something associated with the festival. At this village, the legend has it that a star-crossed princess, Rurihime, killed herself while diving into the waterfall. The parade in the picture was for mourning for her.
for a change 気分転換に
[自](フォーマル) 起こる
it transpires that
(フォーマル) …ということが判明する[明らかになる]
It later transpired that the document had been forged. 文書が偽造されていたことが後に明らかになった.
star-crossed 《通例[名]の前で》(文) 星回りの悪い, 幸薄き
star-crossed lovers (小説・劇などの) 幸薄き恋人たち (シェイクスピアの『ロミオとジュリエット』の冒頭のせりふから)
legend has it that …と言い伝えられている