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« Sprit of Japan | Main | A Sincere Gratitude »

Apr 02, 2011


Thank you, Shiroi Tora
You don't need to worry about it. I understood what you meant.

I fear my earlier comment may have been misunderstood.

I do understand the Japanese culture. Besides having been raised in Japan for a number of years early in my life...and going back to work there for a year...both, my mother, and my wife, are from Japan. I was also raised with mostly Japanese male influences throughout most of my young and young adult life.

What I had said was in the context of the nature of enjoyment while viewing the cherry blossoms. It is not one of outward expression but one of more introspection...enjoying the beauty of simplicity in the blossoms and, in life, coupled with the knowledge of the impermanence of their, and so, our life span...and the magnification of that beauty because of it.

I am also acutely aware of the human condition.

I know that KUMO is of a caring nature. He thinks and feels deeply. I know what he had meant and the internal turmoil he must have felt. He didn't wish to seem to be non caring in this time of great national suffering.

It was also said in the context that to be at a place that engenders great internal solitude and introspection... allowing one to reflect upon life...the sacredness and beauty of it...does not dishonor the suffering or oneself. It is because of great internal suffering that one needs to have this sort of time to recharge and assuage the soul.

A person whom is in no need of solitude (as one has internally in such places), and the deep introspection that one who is in no need of them because he is insincere in life. Knowing that KUMO is very sincere, I naturally concluded he would be in need of such a place and event.

I hope that you, KUMO...had not thought otherwise of my first comment.


Thanks, Shiroi_Tora and Peter

It's very true that the Americans have never understood the spiritual elements of Japanese sociiety. Peter

Last week, my family and I went to San Francisco to the Japan Town Cherry Blossom Festival. It was OK. However, it was nothing like the one I had gone to in Osaka.

I loved the festivals in Japan...all the food stands...the orderly festive atmosphere...the comfortable feeling of being there.

I say...don't worry about whether or not to enjoy yourself in times of suffering not directly attributed to you. To enjoy yourself is to allow your spirit to recover, so you may then give more to others afterwards.

It looks as if you had a good time there...that is deserve a break. In your give so much in the service to have already earned the right to make yourself happy.

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