I took the half-day off after lunch time today. My wife, both parents and I took Mocha's remains to the pet's crematory. His remains were cremated while a Buddhist monk chanted a sutra for him. The cremation took one hour and a half. We took a walk in the pet's graveyard waiting to finish at the crematorium. It was long enough to recall lots of memories with him. He was always with my daughters and a good friend of theirs. The smoke rising from his incinerator made me feel really sorry. I asked the monk to briefly give lessons about the sutra. As you know, Buddhism has the concept of the wheel of life. The sutra apparently was chanted for Mocha's comeback as a human. The monk continued. Dogs and humans are supposed to go to the next world separately and he prayed for Mocha's rebirth as a human. Mocha served us well, so he will be sure to come back to this world as a human next time, I believe.
By the way, I don't feel like having a new dog at least for some time. It's too sad to say good-bye. I decided to donate several things for Mocha, like cages, a kennel, a container for a dog, collars, unopened food to an NPO, which saves the lives of cats and dogs and looks for a foster home for abandoned animals.
crematory 火葬場
chant a Buddhist sutra お経を唱える
wait to do sth <…>するのを待つ
Are you waiting to use the phone? 電話の順番をお待ちですか?
crematorium 火葬場
incinerator 焼却炉
briefly 少しの間, しばらく/ 手短に, 簡単に/ 要するに, つまり
cycle of rebirth / the wheel of life 《仏教》 輪廻
transmigration / transmigration of souls
transmigration (専門) (霊魂の) 転生, 輪廻(りんね) / 移住
transmigrate [自](霊魂が)転生する/(集団が)移住する/ [他](集団を)移住させる
collar 首輪
foster home 養家
Thanks, Shiroi Tora
Thanks, Duffy
I think I'll do that.
Posted by: KUMO | May 08, 2011 at 07:22 PM
When you do decide to get another dog, please adopt a stray one from the animal NPO. You are a good pet owner and could give a homeless dog a second chance and a good life. Sorry for your loss.
Posted by: duffy | May 07, 2011 at 09:12 PM
Nice article...making a positive out of a negative...Kudos.
Posted by: Shiroi Tora | Apr 30, 2011 at 11:35 PM