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May 21, 2011


Thanks for a sincere comment, Shiroi_Tora

butt you do not fight "the evils of the world " , you are fighting "the evils of usa "m9

I was hesitating to comment here on this article...however...

Please remember...we Americans know that we have no culture...per se...we are a conglomeration of policies and values that help guide a multi-ethnic group of people, such as we are, to adapt to the changing times...and to innovate... to help set our nation in a comfortable standing economically.

The Japanese and the Americans are very similar in one particular way...we are both pragmatic in our thinking.

Now, again...the Japanese have a great culture...they have much to give the rest of the world in much of the Japanese sensibilities in group co-operation. The way the Japanese put group effort above all else set the standard of national excellence in many industries.

I am no International doesn't take one to realize that while most countries cannot effect change in the future of the world...the USA can...and in some cases...must. It is a matter of world survival. We are not an expansionistic country...other than our manifest destiny (not unlike any other country unifying its country)...we have never sought to dominate any country. Most look at the world as a checker board...they feel that each country should play live and let live and only move to counter direct aggression.

There have been...and there are... countries that strive to play the world as a game of GO. It is by controlling territories and the board that the game is won...without direct action. You control the win the game...all without firing a shot. To be able to control all major sea going choke points...major financial operations...cornering the world's strategic well as all other major to be able to deny them to anyone else when the time is right.

It is almost always the governments run by the very few...without any ability to control...much less influence the government by the people that attempt to establish a hegemony. Our look upon the world... we love all citizens of all nations (what country allows so much legal immigration into its nation) is the oppressive governments that are dangerous to all
peace loving nations... that we try to stabilize.

I know how you feel about your government...its chief responsibility is to its people. For your nation to prosper...your people must come first.

Now...don't be sucked into the media hype about we (America) being a Democracy...that we are not. We are a Federalist Republic. A pure Democracy is one of the worst of all governing is essentially mob rule...majority wins. That is what our forefathers had run away from.

Our Democratic principles extend to where the voice of the people can alter who best represents them...and how long they may continue doing so based upon the efficient and effective running of their nation...doing what is best for the whole...for the long term.

We run on Positive Reinforcement as the incentive to a better life (free market...individuals reaping the rewards of their efforts).

Those governments who run by military force...and elitist groups (generally Marxist in nature)...must run by Negative Reinforcement...punish those who don't general cannot reap the rewards as individuals.

China only started to prosper when it started following the example set by its free market based area (Hong Kong).

We merely try to stabilize countries where the governments oppress its people to where they don't have a say in their government. It is for World stabilization. A country that suffers must eventually act aggressively as its people cannot produce to the level to prosper...that is a lion starving in its eventually needs to hunt (its neighbors) it cannot feed itself.

A situation of its own doing only to claim poverty later as its justification.

We, the people of the United States, value, so highly our freedom...our ability to raise our standard of living through our applied intelligence and efforts...that we consider them basic human rights. We, because of our love of all our brothers throughout the world, see oppression as a cry against basic humanity.

Yes...we do see ourselves as protectors of the smaller children (our brothers) on the playground that is life. We hold all the bullies, in our eyes, in disdain. When we see our brothers picked on...we respond.

This does not make us the bullies...while we are assertive...we are not aggressive.

What should be held in disdain in all eyes is not only the bullies...but those who see it happening and do nothing about it.

With most people being essentially good...
how is it that evil is allowed to exist?

Because of the majority...
neither doing...nor...saying anything... about it.

We feel the same way in Canada! Peter

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