I was wondering how the saddlebag would fit on my bicycle for the past couple of months. I ordered the biggest bag and the bag support from a British company last March. After only the bag support arrived, I had to wait for the bag for more than three months due to them being out of stock. At last the bag was delivered a few weeks ago. You can see the saddlebag here.
The picture shows my bicycle with only the bag support being fitted. I fixed this bag support to my bicycle in April and was waiting for the arrival of the bag. As you see, the gap between the support and the mudguard is so small that both hit and emit an uncomfortable noise when the bicycle goes on the bumpy road. So, I had to raise the saddle and it made me unable to set my feet on the ground. This height of the saddle made me feel uneasy, but I understood the reason why lots of cyclists set the height of the saddle higher than the length of their legs. You can extend your knees while riding and it helps reduce fatigue in the legs.
I just placed the bag on the support, but the bag was too big to be fitted on the support. It might be a misdesign.
mudguard 泥よけ