Three Diet members were refused entry to South Korea along with a specialist on the territorial issue. They flew to Seoul, but had to return to Japan on the same day. Their purpose was to visit Ulleung-do Island which is located at the east of the Korean Peninsula in the Sea of Japan. It is also known as the nearest site to Takeshima Island which South Korea insists it has sovereignty over. As I wrote in this blog repeatedly, they have no persuasive evidence on their sovereignty. They have only distorted things that they call evidence. The Korean Government promotes Ulleung-do as the starting point for the sightseeing of Takeshima Island. The Japanese group just wanted to see how things were in Ulleung-do.
One thing, there is Tokdo Museum in Ulleung-do. (Tokdo is the Korean name of Takeshima Island.) Almost all of the items in the museum were already shot and shown to us Japanese and their distortion is apparent in Japan. There would be lots more things that the Korean Government didn't want to be seen. The monument in front of the museum reads "Tsushima Island is ours." It's incredible, but it might be natural for Korean people.
On the other hand, South Korean Diet members came to Shimane Prefecture in Japan to which Takeshima Island belongs. They burned Japan's national flag and made a fuss there though the Japanese group just intended to see around the island peacefully.
By the way, what's the legal basis to reject the entry of the Japanese Diet members? It seems like the adoption of a law against terrorists. They were taken as terrorists. Unbelievable! The relationship between Japan and Korea is just like between adults and kids. Japan has the issue left over for a long time, but we never increase their arrogance.
Koreans used to be slaves of the China for several centuries. Japan beat China and forced it to acknowledge the independence of Korea in 1895. Korea could become independent because of Japan. However, Korea was hopelessly undeveloped and Japan annexed Korea to protect the Korean people under unavoidable circumstances. It originated from the desire of most Korean people and lots of countries at that time. The above is historical fact, but the Koreans don't show any gratitude to Japan. That's why I feel the Koreans to be childish.
Ulleung-do 鬱陵島 うつりょうとう
persuasive〈主張・証拠などが〉 説得力のある, 納得できる
make a fuss 騒ぎたてる, 不平を言う
increase 増長させる
legal basis 法的根拠
under unavoidable circumstances 仕方なく