Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

Canada 2012

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    Ski Tour to Canada and Accidental Tour to Korea

Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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  • Dal

Birthday Party

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    50th Birthday Party 50歳の誕生日をネットの仲間が祝ってくれました。我が家でバーベキューをしています。


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    2010春 次女とフライブルクから日帰り旅行 詰め込んでます。少しずつ整理してゆきます。

My House

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« Yellow Sand | Main | Day 2 »

Apr 29, 2012


Corvallis is literally 20 minutes from where I live! I should show you beautiful pictures of Oregon one day. I enjoy reading all of your adventures in your blog writings. It sounds like you have wonderful experiences. I hope to travel more of the world with my family in the future :)

I look forward to reading more from you


Hi, Sarah,

Your message reminded me of the happy days on the Rogue river in Oregon. Then, I asked "White Water Warehouse" in Corvallis to guide us. They offered really nice trip for us. I'm really sorry not to keep a trip memo. If I have something recorded, I could have written several entries in my blog now.

See you

Sounds like you had an exciting time at the race! I remember seeing beautiful countryside in Japan. I loved going for drives or train rides that would lead to these beautiful scenic places. I also noticed your pictures from a trip to Oregon in 1993! That's where I was born and raised... Oregon. It is where I am now. I too have been rafting on the Rogue river, as well as the Deschutes, McKenzie, and rapids in Maupin Oregon. I love Oregon, it's so beautiful! I'm glad you were able to spend some time here too. When my husband and I got married last summer here in Oregon, 6 of my best friends from Japan, came here to share our special day, and they loved the scenery in Oregon! I wish I could show you a picture. I don't have a blog with those pictures. Maybe next time I read some of your writing, I'll figure it out and send you a link.

Have a great weekend, Kumo!

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