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Jun 18, 2012


Moin moin (This is how people in the north of Germany near Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein often say Guten Morgen),
It is great that you will have a chance to travel with your daughter to Freiburg, especially as a member of a delegation to a sister city. How exciting! Can't wait to see your posts next autumn!

Unlike your daughter my German is terrible (I know, shameful) ... we conversed in English at the laboratory as it is staffed by people around the world. Learning German is currently on hiatus, as I'll likely be moving to Geneva in the near future, so I need to brush up on my French ^_^

Guten Tag! Grüß Gott (in Freiburg).

Yes, it's mainly due to the change in dietary habit, but she looked like enjoying the everyday life in Freiburg. I'm going to visit Freiburg with my daughter this autumn as one of the representatives from my hometown, which is the sister city of Freiburg. My daughter will be of use as an interpreter.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen.

Yes, I lived in Hamburg on and off for a couple of years (my laboratory was located there). Living abroad was one of the best experiences of my life. I still consider Hamburg home even though I've been living in Toronto for the last 3 years.

I saw your posts about you daughter living in Freiburg and your travels there. I hope your daughter enjoyed her experiences in Germany.

In one of your posts you mentioned that your daughter had difficulties at first. Was it due to culture shock (If I'm not being too rude to ask)? I come from a western culture and it took me awhile to get used to Germany and Germans ^_^

Oh, you had lived in Germany. Hamburg? My daughter had been in Freiburg for a year and I've been to Freiburg twice.

I like Paulander beer a lot. I first had it when I visited Munich a few years ago. My favourite was Paulander Hefe-Weissbier Dunkel as I like dark beer.

I also had Hitachino Nest White beer once (brewed in Ibaraki I believe) and want to try their other beer. However, the stores here do not sell it:-( It was a very tasty beer.

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