We were fingerprinted in the immigration procedure. Our fingerprints were never listed in any black lists in the world, and so I wasn't afraid of any accusation or being taken into custody. However, we didn't feel good. We weren't criminals, but the rule was the rule. I obeyed the U.S. immigration rules. I knew that the security check at the immigration counter in the U.S. had become stricter in the past decade due to the undiscriminating terror threat to the U.S. To tell the truth, I have never chosen a U.S.-based airline company for more than a decade due to the same reason. Until the U.S. abolishes the collection of fingerprints from travelers, I would never stop avoiding U.S. airlines.
Anyway, back to the Niagara Falls, we headed for the American Fall immediately. The Niagara Falls are formed on the Niagara River separating the U.S. from Canada and so the Niagara Falls are divided into part of the U.S. and part of Canada. We went close to the part of the U.S., which is called the American Fall. I'll show you pictures of the fall below. I hope you'll see how magnificent it was.
fingerprint 〈人〉の指紋をとる
undiscriminating terrorism 無差別テロ
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