Anne of Green Gables, which is a novel written by a Canadian author called Lucy Maud Montgomery, is well known in Japan. It seems that its Japanese translation had apparently created the Anne boom in Japan at first and then Canadian people came to read it. This novel is so popular, in paticular among young girls. Lots of school teachers recommend reading it to their pupils. My daughter is one of those young girls. As for me, I read the first 5 volumes of the total of 10 volumes just before this trip. It was the preparation i.e. we decided to attend the musical, Anne of Green Gables, performed in Charlottetown. The knowledge of the plot would be
helpful to understand the musical performed in English. We got the tickets from Japan via the internet in advance.
The first picture shows the poster on the wall of the Confederation Center in which the musical would be performed that night. The second one was shot inside. In downtown, we had to make sure where the Center was located so as not to be late for the musical. There were the theater, a library, gift shops, some museum and art galleries inside. This building was apparently built by the donation of all Canadian people at 15 cents each, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the confederation conference. I'll show you a picture also which I found on the way. This shop was a specialized shop offering lots of goods associated with Anne.
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