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« Oriental Machu Picchu | Main | Replacement »

May 11, 2013


Hi, Magrat

Thank you for your comment. I chose 7. It's working nice at least now, but you say disaster,,,

Hi, Shiroi Tora

Thank you for your advice, but I've not used Mac. Eventually I chose a Windows PC, hesitating to newly use a Mac. However, I feel like using a Mac for games, reading your comment. Thanks!

Well, the 7 is a complete disaster, and the 8 is relatively new so you never know with it, so your best bet would be the Vista. I would advise to choose Vista for the moment and then consider changing to Linux, so as to avoid all these virus problems and such.

I have used the Windows PC platforms in the past. I have found Apple to be far superior in performance and reliability. They operate on a much more stable platform. Although I am no expert...due to its inherent stability, and in the way it lays out its defragging is necessary (as in a Windows based PC). Also, with Apple, you may run PC programs so long as you have the Intel chip on your apple or have a PC emulator installed. Viruses, and such, are FAR less likely on an Apple. I have never had a crash on my Apple (27" iMac). My son has a PC laptop...however, his next one will be an Apple.

The Apple operating system is similar to the Unix operating system (much the same in the earlier Apples). This operating system is most often used in the business and scientific worlds.

I simply got sick of our old Windows OS having to be updated and defragged just to run half way efficiently. What I had hated, most of all, was the constant barrage of pop ups and viruses infecting my old Windows based PCs...and the constant crashing of the successive Microsoft OSs after XP (XP was a relatively stable OS...after that...problem after problem). Problems have been non-existent in my iMac for over 2 years of everyday operation (since I made the switch to Apple). I also love the way everything synchs from the iPads and iPods seamlessly and effortlessly to the iMac (and in reverse also). The iMac also uses its aluminum frame as a heat fan necessary. It is quiet, beautiful to look at, has a fantastic screen, a stable and reliable operating system, and is efficient and effective in operation.

So why are there so many PCs? There are not nearly so many games available for the Apple.

I say, just go to an Apple store to look at their iMacs. I am sure you will walk out with one. One other thing...the apps and updated OS for the Apple is far less expensive (just $19.99 for an upgrade to the latest OS for my iMac. Also, many of the equivalent programs for the Apple go for far less than for the PCs).

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