I arrived at an ANA-designated gas station about 3 hours before my flight. It was required that my scooter had its gasoline removed from the tank by ANA, All Nippon Airways. The picture shows a guy sucking gasoline out of the tank. I was supposed to get together with one of the members of this trip and he reached the station a little later. His motorcycle was also treated in the same way. There was another rider who got on the same plane. We chatted over each other's plans.
We headed for the ANA Cargo Terminal, which was 4km away from the dump station. The terminal was a restricted area and we showed our ID and signed some papers, and received permission to get in. The second picture was our ID card in the area. I passed through the gate with no problem, but my friend couldn't. His motorcycle stopped at the gate due to the shortness of gasoline, though the gasoline for the move from the dump station to the airport and from the destination airport to its nearest gas station should have been left in the tank. His machine was equipped with an up-to-date EFI engine, which requires the application of pressure of the gasoline. It means that it needs a little gasoline in the tank. He had to push his motorcycle for about a hundred meters in the hot muggy high noon.
apply pressure 圧力をかける