I got a set of space food of Neapolitan Ice Cream, Pudding, and Takoyaki. Neapolitan ice cream was new to me. Takoyaki is a famous food in Japan and is a ball-shaped pancake with bits of octopus. The dramatic point is its taste, which was not bad. I admired the developers' techniques. They were available for more than a few years. Naturally, the texture was far different from their original ones, but judging from its condition to be eaten in space, they were acceptable.
Neapolitan /nìəplətn || -pl-/ [名] [C] ナポリ人; [形] ナポリ(人)の
Neapolitan ice cream ナポリタンアイスクリーム《色と味の違うアイスクリームを重ね合わせたもの》.