I'm writing about my 83 year-old father. He is still fine, but is weak in walking and he can't walk continuously for 100 meters. Whenever he goes out, he drives his 660cc car and his way of driving is sometimes erratic.
The increase of aged drivers is recently emerging as a social problem in Japan. Their driving often causes terrible accidents, so the authorities ask them to return their driving license. You are supposed to renew your license every five years, but people who suffer from partial dementia can pass through this barrier.
My father has been driving cars for more than 60 years and is confident about driving. However, seeing him drive, I feel it's dangerous. Finally I induced him to stop driving cars and got his car away under his three sons' influence.
On the other hand, I didn't want him to stay inside all the time, because it leads him to be inactive. I gave him a mobility scooter to enjoy wandering outside. The following picture shows his small 660cc car.
erratic とっぴな, 不規則な
lacunar dementia まだら痴呆症
mobility scooter (障害者・高齢者用の)電動カート
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