The 22nd Infantry Regiment was founded in 1884 and had been dispatched to the key conflicts in the history of modern Japan. I feel something special in this regiment, because it was made up from people from Ehime Prefecture, my home.
At the place where all the regiment were completely killed stands the monument which I was most wanted to visit. It was only 50 meters from the site where L.Gen. Buckner was shot and killed. Judging from several historical facts, the shooter might have been a member of the 22nd regiment, i.e., from my home. Honestly, I feel "That serves you right", but he was also dispatched to such a far place from his homeland probably against his will. He would also be a victim of the war. At the foot of the monument fresh tomatoes were offered and I was thankful for people around the monument.
Take a look at a picture of a bombproof cave at first, though I'm going to upload several pictures of other caves in the following entries. It was open to visitors who wanted to pray for the departed. The stairs were built after the war for such visitors. People were staying in the dark, narrow cave without enough food, water, and sewer. I couldn't imagine such a life. The inhabitants of the cave were mostly from Yamagata prefecture, and so the monument for people from Yamagata stands on the soil above the cave.
陸軍歩兵22連隊: 主に愛媛県出身者で構成された連隊。日清戦争から大東亜戦争まで重要な戦闘に派遣された由緒ある連隊で、昭和20年6月17日この地にて全員玉砕。
真栄里(まえざと): 沖縄県糸満市内の集落の名。22連隊玉砕の地。
infantry 歩兵
regiment 連隊
That serves you right ざまあみろ!
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