A month has passed since the last 10km run, about which I wrote in this entry(link). As I had a hard time on the run, I was going to exercise on a regular basis, but I didn't. As the day of the Asagiriko Marathon was coming close, I got uneasy. After the spring holiday, I had tons of work to do, and it might give me an out.
Anyway, the day, May 3rd had come. In this year, a famous non-profesional runner was to join the half marathon category, so the number of the participants has increased considerably compared with the number of last year. I saw him running, and his speed astonished me. He ran through the half marathon in 67 minutes or so, which was faster than I ran 10km. He aims to be chosen as one of the representatives in the next Olympics. As for me, I ran a leisurely 10km in the aim of keeping fit.
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