We were taken to a decent hotel in Toyohara (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in Russian). My wife is a good cook and had a keen interest in Russian cuisine, since we decided to join the cruise tour to Karafuto several months ago. The dishes which we ate were as follows: ,,,,, I'd like to list them and their details, but I didn't know their names, because there was neither a menu nor a dish description by the waitresses. Even if they were not able to speak English or Japanese, they should say something, even a few words, like greetings, with smiles on their faces. What they did was just place the dishes on the table without words nor expression. Their rude attitude reminded me that we were in a socialistic state, Russia. I took pictures for later examination, and I'll show you below. After lunch, I dropped in at a souvenir shop in the hotel lobby, but nothing attracted me.
Karafuto (樺太) Sakhalin サハリン
Toyohara (豊原) Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ユジノサハリンスク
Oodomari(大泊) Korsakov コルサコフ
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