It was in March when I saw the cruise ship Nippon Maru for the first time. (URL) Awesome is what I call it. I decided all at once to get on board in the coming summer vacation at that time. Hence then I stood in front of the ship with a ticket in hand.
I was asked to present my cruise ticket and my passport before boarding. Just after getting on board, I was ordered to deposit my passport with the ship authorities for the smooth procedure for immigration. Then, I received the day's bulletin and my boarding pass, which was used as my credit card on board, my room key, and ID card for entering and leaving the ship. The bulletin, which I'll show you on another page, told us all the information for passengers about restaurants, shops, amusement facilities, some lectures, and so on.
As for my room, I applied for the lowest price room, but all those rooms were fully booked as early as 6 months before the cruise. I was put on the waiting list of those rooms, but there was no cancellation. I was assigned to the second lowest priced room on the third floor. Entering the room, my suitcase was delivered, which was sent several days before from my home. I took my binoculars out of it and headed for the promenade deck.
promenade deck (船の) 遊歩甲板, プロムナードデッキ
promenade (海岸沿いなどの幅広い) 遊歩道, プロムナード;(やや古) 散歩
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