My wife and I made a trip to Malaysia from the end of August to Sept. 5th. I'm writing this article after coming back to Japan. I will compose various writings on the journey just as they occur to me without any organization. Later I'm arranging them in chronological order.
Our eldest daughter lives in Tokyo. We saw her for the first time in 8 months, who looked as if she was living her fulfilling life. We took a walk around the Monzennakacho area, which is one of old streets in Tokyo.
Several houseboats were moored. They were not for private-use. People enjoy the night view of Tokyo from them on the surface of the river, of course with a delicious dinner and some beverages. I'd like to get on board some day. The next picture shows Tsukishima street, which is well-known as the home of monjayaki, about which I can't explain in English so google that, please. It looks like a okonomiyaki, but they are totally different from each other. My wife and I ate some kinds of monjayaki for the first time, and I found that they went well with beers!
By the way, as I walked around after lunch, I came across a considerably old-fashioned police box, Koban, about which I wrote here(link). The signboard on the desk read "This is the oldest active Koban in the Metropolitan Police Department". I wondered at the fact and peered into the room. Just at that moment, someone spoke to me behind. Turning back, he was a real policeman with a big smile. I was afraid of being suspected of a wrongdoer, but it seemed that lots of sightseers did the same thing. The policeman told me to be seated for taking a picture and to observe inside. Anyway, I believe that keeping the neighborhood secure is a fundamental condition for our peaceful life.
writings written just as they occur to one, without any organization
suspect 〈人〉に嫌疑をかける
suspect sb of (doing) sth <人>に<…>(したこと)の嫌疑をかける
The police suspect him of murder. 警察は彼に殺人の嫌疑をかけている.
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