Pay attention to the right hand of the statue in the first picture! That's the "SHAKA SIGN". This statue stood in front of the gate of the center. I read only the conclusion part of the description of the statue; DESCENDANT OF HAWAIIAN CHIEFS, A FAMOUS FISHERMAN, A BELOVED COMMUNITY LEADER, AND "FATHER" OF THE SHAKA. After this statue and the advice of our attendant, we are showing the Shaka sign in the picture, but.... Anyway I was excited to think what tour would start from then.
To tell the truth, I was astonished to read the full description of the statue after coming back to Japan. How and when was the Shaka sign born? The description is written monotonously, but its contents were sad. The person of the statue was born in 1882 at Laie, where we were. That means, when he was 16 years old, Oahu island was swallowed up by the U.S.. He must have been worse off than before. He seemingly lost his first three fingers of the right hand in a nearby sugar mill accident. Then he was transferred to the railroad company. He had given signals with his two-fingered right hand on his duty. That's the origin of the Shaka sign. For detailed information, please read the description below. Focusing on the right hand in the picture, his three fingers are surely cut down.
He is worse off than before. 前より暮らし向きが悪くなった.