Our taxi proceeded north on the Kamehameha Highway for the North Shore. I learned the history of the area from the driver. The town where we were was Waialua. This town used to be prosperous with the cultivation of sugar cane and the sugar manufacturing industry, but it gradually declined. He told us that some shops in the area were getting popular and he took us to the shops; "Island X Hawaii" and "North Shore Soap Factory". Those shops were built utilizing the ruins of the factories. They were handling coffee, chocolate, and soap at present. I was seized by a weird feeling as if I was taken back to 100 years ago. It was really enjoyable to see around. I tasted several kinds of coffee and I liked them. I hoped that I would be back on the next visit to Hawaii. The soil around was reddish and the area might as well have been on another planet.
I found an elementary school on the way back to the Kalakaua Highway, though I didn't think so many people lived in the neighborhood. When I checked our route on the Google Maps after coming back to Japan, there were lots of folk houses around. I wanted to see how the street was. How is the way of their living?
タクシーはノース・ショアへ向かってカメハメハハイウェイを北上。ドライバーからこの地域の歴史を聞く。ワイアルアという町で、かつてはサトウキビ栽培・製糖業が盛んだったが衰退し、寂しい街になっていると聞いた。最近よく話題に上る店があるというので寄ってもらった。製糖工場跡にあるIsland X HawaiiとNorth Shore Soap Factoryという店がそれ。今はコーヒー、チョコレート、そして石鹸を製造している。内部はいわゆる雑貨屋で建物を見ていると100年前にタイムスリップしたかのような感覚に襲われた。ウロウロ見て回るのが楽しい店だった。試飲したコーヒーはどれも美味しく、また寄りたい店だ。このあたり、土は赤い色を呈しており、ワイキキからほんの少し離れただけだが別の国に来たようだった。