Tsushima island is located on the border of Japan and has its distinctive history. We dropped in at Komodahama Beach next, which was one of the ancient battlefields in the Mongol invasions into Japan in the 13th century. The 80 some samurais mounted on horseback lead by Sou Sukekuni bravely fought several thousand enemies on this beach taking full advantage of the terrain, but all of them were killed cruelly. However, the admiral of the Mongolian soldiers recorded that he had never been confronted with such awful enemies as Japanese samurais. He added that when the samurais assaulted them, they were smiling and his blood ran cold to see them smiling. I knew that there had been Japanese who went to certain death with smiles also on Tsushima island. Though the scene of Komodahama Beach is different from that of 8 centuries ago, I stood on the beach and recalled the samurais who had devoted their lives for Japan. The Mongolian soldiers would become scared to realize that lots of samurais would be ready in