A tour guide was talking about this college, or was boasting about it. It's archaeologically proven that the basis of this college was established by the 8th century. It's amazing, but I wondered, "Does she know the fact that Christianity or the U.K. had produced lots of ugly scenes in our history, in spite of early starting studies. I'm skeptical about Christianity. Christianity is completely convinced of its own greatness or righteousness and isn't generous to others at the same time. They tried to separate the globe into two parts in a self-serving manner. They divided the world by the Treaty of Tordesillas and the Treaty of Zaragoza, destroyed the Japanese Buddhism facilities, and what's more, took several thousands of Japanese away as slaves. It was natural to be locked out of Japan in 17th century. A funny story was handed down to us. An ordinary Japanese asked a missionary, who came to Japan in the early stage of their missionary work in the 16th century, such a question: A Japanese man's father had died before their missionary work and so he didn't know about Christ or God. "Can't he go up to Heaven? If so, God is unfair, isn't he?" The missionary was said to be in embarrassment. This man's opinion is totally acceptable. A noted missionary's official letters to the governor-general of the Philippines are preserved and they say that the Japanese were too intellectual to conquer.
Then they crossed the Atlantic Ocean and slaughtered numerous native colored people. Manifest Destiny? What's that? Are the brutal acts of the crusaders justified? Knowing the behaviour of the crusaders, I can understand the terrorism by Muslims, though I don't agree with them at all. The U.K. is responsible for the racial strife in present Myanmar, India, or some other Southeast Asian countries. The instability of the present Mid-east countries is put down to the policy of the U.K.'s triple-tongued diplomacy: These mutually exclusive agreements are abhorrent.
1. Hussein-McMahon agreement (against Arabs Oct. 1915)
2. Sykes-Picot Agreement (against France May 1916)
3. Balfour Declaration (against Jews Nov. 1917)
Suddenly I recalled that Lawrence of Arabia studied archaeology and history there and graduated from Oxford University. Listening to the comments that a tour guide made in boastful terms, I vaguely thought that the U.K. would never have prosperous times like 19th century. The empire on which the sun never sets established at the sacrifice of colonies would never revive. One thing, however, I'd like to observe The City after Brexit.
righteousness (フォーマル) (道徳的な) 正義, 高潔さ
self-serving [形](けなして) 利己的な, 身がってな
Treaty of Tordesillas トルデシリャス条約
Treaty of Zaragoza サラゴサ条約
put sth down to sth [句動詞] <…>を<…>のせいだと思う
put it down to experience (いやな出来事などを) いい経験だったと思うようにする
triple-tongued diplomacy 三枚舌外交